The zodiac sign of Sagittarius has the symbol of 'The Archer'. Explore the characteristic profile & personality traits of a Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscope







Basic Characteristics Profile
People born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius are usually of a medium height and have a whitish complexion. They have a prominent nose, high cheekbones and a husky voice. The personality of such individuals is such that people get attracted to them very easily. Aquarians hate dishonesty and treachery. They do not like taking or giving loans and are always concerned about the well being of others.

The usual career choices for them include scientific research, legal work, photography, etc. They are quite inclined towards their religion and may undertake pilgrimages also. Aquarians are very hard working and intelligent and are likely to attain fame and fortune in their life. They are very interested in art and literature. Infact, January-born individuals very often turn out to be brilliant orators. Find below a meticulously prepared free Aquarius horoscope for the year this year -Nextyear!

Aquarius Horoscope this year
The planets Saturn and Ketu will remain in the seventh house in the year this year and Jupiter planet will be in the eleventh house. Mars planet will be in the fifth house this year.

Wealth, Career and Business
The year this year is good for Aquarians from the point of view of wealth, career and business. You will achieve progress in your career and your standing in the society will get enhanced. Your financial position will remain strong and you will definitely move forward on the path of success. There are chances of receiving gain at the hands of government officials, including financial gain. The plans that you've made have great odds of turning into reality. The position of Rahu planet may lead to a change in your chosen career field. Employed individuals might get a promotion this year. The year this year is also quite good for students.

From health point of view, this year will bring mixed results for you. Your mental health may not be too good and you may suffer from considerable amount of tension. Take good care of your diet. The elder members of your family may fall ill, so please be careful of their health. The position of Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn planets may lead to ailments like blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, etc. However, the situation is likely to improve after August.

Love Matters
This year might bring some good news for you, as far as love matters are concerned. Those who want to get married to someone in particular may just have their wishes fulfilled. You will form new relations as well as receive full support from the old ones. You need to be careful during the period of June to August. This period may be characterized by arguments between lovers. There are also chances of facing opposition at home.

After May, there are chances that you may go on a long journey. This may include a foreign trip also.

Domestic Life
The position of Jupiter and Mars will lead to better relations with family members as well as relatives. There will be a general atmosphere of peace and happiness in the house. You will spend this year mainly in enjoyment and leisure. Your wife will give you full support. After July, you will remain content and happy in relation to your children and their life. However, sudden expenditures may lead to unnecessary tensions at home.