Indian marriage ceremony is an elaborate affair. It is a matter of four to five days. But the joy and fun associated with the main day celebration is not found in the pre and post wedding functions.




Main Day Wedding Functions

In Indian society marriage is not just a social custom. It is an institution, which teaches us lots of things about life. Wedding function is considered as the biggest event in one's lifetime. And to make this occasion a memorable one people generally celebrate it in a grand manner. For a girl and a boy it is a transition from boyhood to manhood and girlhood to womanhood respectively. It marks the beginning of their married life, which is not just about coming together of two individuals but two souls. Marriage speaks of love, commitment, companionship and empathy. It is considered as an important landmark in one's life. In our Hindu custom and tradition wedding is celebrated for several days. It is divided into three parts pre wedding functions, main day functions and post wedding functions. The main day function in the actual wedding day when the bride and the groom tie knots for eternity. This day includes rituals like var mala and mandap.

In a Hindu wedding ceremony the main day of the celebration includes different rituals and customs. On that day the bride and the groom take the sapta-padi or seven steps together, while the seven vows of the marriage is led by a Brahmin or priest. The couple takes the seven vows and seven steps before God symbolized by fire and light. Wedding celebrations are lavish affairs nowadays where relatives and friends gather to celebrate the occasion. On the main day the wedding usually takes place at the bride's home. Usually a canopy is made, which is beautifully decorated it is also called a mandapa. The canopy is beautifully decorated with flowers, colorful personal adornment, and other items. If it is not celebrated at the bride's place than it is held at a common place, which is an open space like garden, courtyard of the bride's house, a blocked-off street or square. Weddings are elaborate celebrations with relatives and friends gathering for the occasion.